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My country.. My home..!

Based on recent Mumbai attacks, I've heard people, or to be precise, people born and brought up in India, saying "I don’t like this country anymore. I'm not proud of this country!” I want to ask them, "Do you feel proud when India wins a war in the battlefield? Do you feel proud when you realize you being a part of this country where our jawaans, no matter what adverse situations they face every day, stand strong across the borders to protect this nation 24*7? Do you feel proud when India outperforms others in field of sports, technology and what not?” Many more such questions could be added into this list. When India does its best, “I’m proud to be an Indian” and when it suffers or calls for help, “I’m not proud of this country”. What sense does it make?

"India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters...” Yeah! The pledge which we used to say every morning at school for 10 complete years. From first few lines itself, what does it mention? I consider India no less than my home, isn’t it? And we are proud of our home, aren't we? If, God forbid, such things (attacks etc.) take place at our own home tomorrow, then what do we do? Do we say "We are not proud of my home anymore. I have no faith or hope living here anymore. My parents aren’t capable enough to protect me anymore. I’m living among a bunch of helpless people.” Is that what you say? We, certainly, have some responsibility as a member of the family. We stand strong for our family, support them, take utmost precautions and preventive measures to prevent such things again and this “may” go into a cycle. Yes, it’s a cycle, don’t you consider that? Because, let’s face it, its life. Is there a 100% guarantee that such things will not happen even after taking the strongest measures. This analogy applies to our country as well.

More importantly, if we catch hold of the person who did that, we must do the right thing; make sure that he must face the right punishment for what he has done or in case of attacks on Mumbai, hanged! But yes, India’s leniency in handling the criminals is not at all acceptable which might be the reason for these frequent attacks. To decide whether a person is criminal or not even after having all the evidences, take years here. The main reason for this, I believe, must be absolute worst politics played by few politicians who are real criminals in disguise. In this case, question arises, what possibly a common person can do in this case?

For me, this question can have only 2 possible answers. One, let things happen. Today it’s time for mumbaikar’s to suffer, but tomorrow, it might be us. Till then just be satisfied it wasn’t you and live your life as usual. Two, join the army and kill the bastards/join politics and catch hold of the corrupt politicians/sneak out from this country and explode their base out there (similar way which they do coming here)/recently, join the protest initiated by Anna Hazare and be an active member to fight against corruption.Now, in first case, you cannot defend yourself saying that “I know things are going wrong but what else can we do? We are helpless”. It’s not just the politicians who represent India. If you call yourself an Indian, then you, or every individual for that matter, have certain responsibilities towards your motherland. If you think the government is not doing their job, you do the right thing. When no one stops them to do wrong things, who will stop you to do the right one?

Personally speaking, as a small common person and a responsible citizen, I would do all possible things I could to maintain my country's pride and honor instead of just playing the blame game!

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